~The Wonderful World of International Adoption~

Saturday, July 28, 2007


After 17 months Katelyn's quilt is finally done. Why? The long wait took the air right out of my sails. I'm a novice quilter...actually this is my second quilt, but I started out really gung-ho about designing and making this special quilt. Then as the wait got longer I was concerned I might have a quilt and no child. Kinda like jinxing the process so I put a hold on the quilt. So now that we are actually getting closer to our referral and my husband's threat of completing it before his return, I had to get on the ball and finish it, with a week to spare. It's not an official 100 Good Wishes quilt, but a quilt made up of 48 beautiful fabric hearts from family, close friends, and some Nov 05 families from our agency. Thanks to all who contributed the wonderful good wishes and fabric squares. I'm sure Katelyn will love it!